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Vitamin B12/ Folate Active Melt Away

Active B12-Folate combines the active coenzyme form of vitamin B12, methylcobalamin, with the active form of folate, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate. This high-potency, bioactive formula was created to bypass normal absorptive mechanisms for vitamin B12 and folate which may be impaired due to aging, illness, or gastrointestinal surgery. Fast-dissolving, sublingual tablets allow for quick release into the bloodstream. Vitamin B12 and folate play an integral role in DNA synthesis and thus are essential to cell division and proper functioning of virtually all tissues in the body.

Rapidly proliferating cells such as enterocytes, leukocytes, and skin cells are especially dependent upon active forms of these nutrients. Vitamin B12 and folate also participate in methylation and proper disposition of homocysteine, a potentially toxic metabolite of methionine. Dietary B12 can be reliably obtained only from animal products and is a singularly difficult vitamin to absorb. Folate deficiencies have been reported following bariatric surgery. Active B12-Folate may be especially beneficial for vegetarians and persons with impaired gastrointestinal absorptive function due to aging, illness, or surgery. New research published in Neurology indicates that vitamin B12 may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD).

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60 count

Reference: U.S. Pharmacist, November 2010