(412) 586-4678

COVID-19 Resources

Dear Friend,

In a telephone town hall that I held earlier this week, many Pittsburghers told my staff how happy they were to get reliable answers to their questions from Allegheny County officials and medical experts.

Unfortunately, we didn't have enough time to answer everyone's questions, so I wanted to follow up by sharing a list of accurate, reliable sources of information about the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic with you and as many other constituents as possible.

Here are a number of reliable sources of information:

LOCAL Government Coronavirus Resources

Allegheny Alerts - Allegheny County Community Notification System
Allegheny County COVID-19 web page
Allegheny County Health Department Facebook page
Allegheny County Health Department on Twitter
Allegheny County Health Department online message form
(Please check the COVID-19 box)
Allegheny County Health Department phone line: 412-687-2243
City of Pittsburgh COVID-19 Response Updates web page

STATE Government Coronavirus Resources

Commonwealth of PA COVID-19 web page
Commonwealth of PA phone line: 1-877-PA-HEALTH (1-877-724-3258)

FEDERAL Government Coronavirus Resources

National Institutes of Health
Centers for Disease Control
Centers for Disease Control online message form
Centers for Disease Control question phone line: 800-232-4636

I hope you find this information helpful. If you have any questions or concerns about COVID-19 or any other issue, please do not hesitate to contact my office by going to my web site, https://doyle.house.gov/, or calling my office at 202-225-2135.

It continues to be an honor and a pleasure to serve you. Stay safe!

Until next time, I am

Mike Doyle
Member of Congress